Tirana, 9 May 2023: nothing will ever be the same

26 July 2023
Tirana, 9 May 2023: nothing will ever be the same

The meeting organized on 9 May 2023 in Tirana, at Tirana International Airport (TIA), marks a watershed in the fight to reduce carbon emissions.

It was a key training and sharing event, organized as part of the Solar project, involving airlines and various service providers, independent ground handlers, catering companies, air traffic control and others working at the airport site.

TIA is already concretely doing its part and has been at the forefront of the management of carbon energy and for the investments made in the installation of photovoltaic panels for personal consumption, the electrification of the GPU for aircraft parking and the implementation of LED installations in buildings.

May 9 therefore marks the beginning of a new era in which commitment and awareness can make a real difference. But we must all continue to row on the same side and also the institutions must guarantee regulatory and financial support to the efforts made by private individuals.